Narrative, "Undecided" Short Film Directed by Betty Allen & Andy WoodwardWritten by Rosa SanMarchiUndecided is a 10 minute short film about one woman’s struggle with the idea of becoming a mother when faced with the possibility of being pregnant. You Might Also Like Negative/Postive - Space Smells Like Lilacs REYNA - orgullosa (Official Music Video) 2024 Demo Reel REYNA - you could at least say goodbye (Official Music Video) House of History: DeShanda Williams-Clark
Narrative, "Undecided" Short Film Directed by Betty Allen & Andy WoodwardWritten by Rosa SanMarchiUndecided is a 10 minute short film about one woman’s struggle with the idea of becoming a mother when faced with the possibility of being pregnant. You Might Also Like Negative/Postive - Space Smells Like Lilacs REYNA - orgullosa (Official Music Video) 2024 Demo Reel REYNA - you could at least say goodbye (Official Music Video) House of History: DeShanda Williams-Clark